At The Lake Doctors, we strive to serve our clients by offering custom aquatic solutions that fit your needs and budget. Our specialists have learned a lot over the years about our ecosystems and the animals that are found within these systems. We feel it is our duty as a company to offer our expertise and advice regarding your lakes and ponds.
Cottonmouths snakes, also known as water moccasins (Agkistrodon piscivorus), are notoriously mistaken by humans to be extremely vicious. The myth is when people come between the water and a cottonmouth; the snake may become startled and seem as though it is chasing the individual. The much-uncoordinated cottonmouth, once in motion, will move spastically to escape human contact and return to water because it perceives us to be a threatening predator. However, more often they will sit in their classic mouth agape pose, showing off their white mouth in a defensive posture.
We find ourselves in the presence of snakes more often than not in our line of work. Although they are not everyone’s favorite critter, they are a very important part of the ecological puzzle that makes up our waterways. Remember to respect their presence and check your local wildlife laws before handling any snake species. Contact us today at 1 (800) 666-5253 to learn more about our lake and pond management services.