The Lake Doctors, Inc.

When they overgrow, pond weeds can become unsightly and stunt fish growth.  Pond weeds usually start by someone adding plants to the pond, but they are then not managed and get out of control.

Here are a few possible methods to address weed control for lakes and ponds.

Many chemical options have warning labels, which state that for your safety and the environment’s safety, only 1/3 or 1/2 of the pond can be treated at a time due to the mass of dead, decaying weeds. More than that and it will risk a large scale fish kill.

There are tools to help make weed control for lakes and ponds easier, like extended weed cutters and rakes.

An eco-friendly approach is to use triploid grass carp, which eat weeds. However, there is a permitting process, and you need to do some research, as some species of weeds are not on their dietary list.

A Lake Bottom Blanket is another non-toxic option.  It covers and suffocates the weeds but does not suffocate the floor of the pond harming the smaller life.

Once overgrown pond weeds are addressed, then a proactive approach to weed control for lakes and ponds will ensure that they do not return. Installing a properly sized aeration system will provide oxygen in the water and help beneficial bacteria. You can add some “Muck and Sludge Remover” as well, to reduce the mucky bottom and even add some pond dye to the water to turn it a pleasant color.