The Lake Doctors, Inc.

One of the leading threats to a pond is invasive plants and animals. A common threat is the duckweed–an organism with a humorous name that still poses a serious threat to your lake. Property management programs that include weed control for lakes should make getting rid of this organism a priority.

At the physical level, the common duckweed is a very small plant. It is light and free-floating, with leaves that can grow to the length of 1/8 inch. The leaves include roots that look like hairs. Although a single specimen of duckweed may only be comprised of several leaves, they grow quickly and can join with other duckweed to form colonies.

The duckweed is an aggressive invader and can infiltrate a lake in different ways. Many ducks eat duckweed and can transport it to other bodies of water. Another cause is eutrophication or algal blooms: an excess of nitrogen and phosphorous as a result of fertilizer runoff. They can enter a pond and provide an ample food source for existing duckweed to feed upon and reproduce.

Given its growth rate, a duckweed infestation is a common and persistent threat. Duckweed colonies can cover the entire surface of a lake and block sunlight from reaching aquatic plants. This leads to oxygen depletion, which kills plants and suffocates fish. As such, duckweed is a common cause of dead zones in lakes.

Weed control for lakes is an essential component of property management. Preventing a duckweed infestation does more than protect your lake’s ecosystem–it can also preserve its beauty and clear appearance. Get in touch with a lake management company today to learn how you can stop the spread of duckweed.