The Lake Doctors, Inc.

pond algae identificationWhen it comes to your waterways, the specialists at The Lake Doctors strive to educate our clients on harmful, invasive species to help protect their lakes and ponds. There are many species of aquatic plants that can inhabit your lakes, and not all plants are considered harmful or undesirable. It’s important to know the different types of plants in order to identify them so our specialists can control or remove them promptly.

Algae are a common plant that resides in lakes and ponds that can be considered single-celled or multi-celled. Planktonic algae are composed of single cells or small colonies and are often found free-floating in the water column. This type of algae is often green, brown, and sometimes red. Filamentous algae are multicellular algae that have end-to-end cells that form long threads. Macrophytic algae are often much larger and multi-branched.

There are many different types of algae that are important to know and identify. Below we list some common species of algae.

  • Planktonic
  • Chara
  • Nitella
  • Filamentous
  • Lyngbya
  • Euglena

If you believe you have algae in your lakes and ponds, we encourage you to reach out to our aquatic specialists for our comprehensive pond algae identification services. Contact us today at 1 (800) 666-5253 to schedule your free aquatic survey.